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In particular this Consultancy Agreement may be used when contracting for professional services such as engineers, architects, legal practitioners, public relations and advertising/media firms. That is, when a Company is engaging another company's employee to consult for them (this could be when you use an accountant who has their own company to consult to your company or an accountant who works for a firm).
This Consultancy Agreement may be appropriate for an IT consultant who is providing a scoping assessment prior to entering a detailed IT service agreement. However, if contracting to provide information technology (IT) services, see the LAWLIVE® IT Agreements which include a number of It-specific provisions.
A consultant may find this Consultancy Agreement useful when submitting a proposal to a client.
This Consultancy Agreement includes the following provisions:
1. Definitions
2. Appointment By The Company Of Consultant
3. Consultant’s Fees
4. Covenants And Representations By The Consultant To The Company
5. Use of Company's Facilities
6. Guarantees And Indemnity By Consultant
7. Confidential Information
8. Intellectual Property, * Use Of Computer Source/Object Code
9. Covenant Not To Compete Or Solicit Customers
10. When The Company Can Terminate
11. When The Consultant Can Terminate, * Method Of Termination
12. Payments Upon Termination
13. Return Of Confidential Information Or Other Company Property
14. Survival Clauses
15. Relationship Between The Parties
16. Consultant’s And Employee’s Obligations Towards Each Other & The Company
17. Notices
18. Whole Agreement
19. Governing Law And Jurisdiction
20. Severability
* Optional clause to include in the contract.
Consultancy Agreements are commonly referred to as: consultancy contracts, letters consultancy, agreements consultancy, consultancy document, consultancy agreement, forms consultancy, form for consultancy.